Review of “La música invisible” in Madrid’s ABC

Antoni Pizà has a new book review in Madrid’s nationally distributed newspaper, ABC.  In the June 23 , issue, he gives a glowing review of La música invisible (Fórcola, 2017), by musicologist and ABC contributor, Stefano Russomanno.  Subtitled “en busca de la armonía de las esferas,” La música invisible investigates 20 milestones in music history that exemplify Pythagoras’s music of the spheres, the invisible music that governs the universe.

In his praise for the book, Pizà writes that Russomanno is “without pedantry” and writes “with elegance.”  Read the full review here.  You can get the book directly from Fórcola for €19,50 here.  North American customers may also purchase it through Want a preview? Read the foreword to La música invisible here!