Upcoming Conferences in Spain and NY There are three upcoming conferences organized by or with the collaboration of the Brook Center and The Foundation for Iberian Music. New York, April 22-23, 2025: Music Migration, and the Exchange of Knowledge: Spain-North America-Latin America. See program here: MusicMigrationKnowlege. Valencia, Spain, September 25-26, 2025: See the following links. Oviedo, Spain, June 11-13, 2025: La música hispana en EE.UU. a través de la prensa: recepción, construcción y crítica/ Hispanic music in the USA through the press: reception, construction and criticism. See link below and click here for details: Oviedo International Conference Music, Networks and Nationalism: Ideals of Identity in Epistolary Communication XIII Congreso internacional de la Comisión de Música y Prensa / XIII International conference of the music and press commission