Conferences Music, Migration, and the Exchange of Knowledge: Spain – North America – Latin America New York22–23 April 2025The CUNY Graduate Center This New York symposium is the second part of a bicontinental symposium, with the first part in Barcelona at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on 28–29 November 2024. For further information, visit Music, Sound, and Antisemitism This symposium is co-organized with The Jewish Music Forum and The American Society for Jewish Music. It takes place in two parts:28–29 May 2025 (Center for Jewish History, New York) 5/28 5/29 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8:30 AM Registration and coffee Registration and coffee 9:15 AM Welcome & Introduction 9:30 AM Panel 1 – In Early Modern Music, Chair: Jill Abramson Panel 5 – Aesthetics and Representations Rebecca Cypess, Popular Song and Jewish Musical Agency in England, ca. 1789–1830 Miseo Cho, “The Voice of ‘Le Juif Errant’: Musical Representations of Antisemitism in d’Indy’s Opera L’Étranger” 10:15 AM Paul G. Feller-Simmons, Schoon het in de Wet uitdrukkelijk is verboden: Christian Representations of (Anti-)Jewish Aurality and Jewish Acoustic Communities in Early Modern Northwestern Europe Joseph Straus, The Antisemitic Aesthetics of Stravinsky’s Poetics of Music and Webern’s Path to the New Music 11:00 AM Break Break 11:30 AM Panel 2 (2 speakers) – On the Radio, Chair: Evan Rapport Panel 6 (2 speakers) – On Social Media, Chair: Rachel Schaff David Catchpole, Henry Ford’s Apology is Bunk: Veiled Antisemitism and the Ford Sunday Evening Hour Kathryn Huether, Sonic Antisemitism: Auditory Mechanisms of Hate on Social Media 12:15 PM Elias Berner, Music and Antisemitism in Austrian Broadcasting after 1945 Matthias Pasdzierny, 15 Second Songs of Hate – The Sound of Antisemitism on TikTok (and with a little help of AI driven music) 1:00 PM Lunch Break Lunch Break 2:00 PM Panel 3 – During the Holocaust Panel 7 – In Popular Music, Chair: Mark Slobin Jules Riegel, Redemption for Whom? Musical Antisemitism and Jewish Musicians in Treblinka, 1942–1944 Jamie R. Noulty, From Lyrics to Violence: The Impact of White Power Music on Antisemitism 2:45 AM Emily Marker and Melina Burlaud, The Sound of Persecution and Internment in the Work of Leonhard K. Märker Adam Behr, Towards A Typology of Popular Musical Antisemitism 3:30 AM Break Break 4:00 PM Panel 4 – In Polish Concert Music Panel 8 – In Everyday Life / Communal Memory and Identity Construction Mackenzie Pierce, Dialectics of Acculuration and Antisemitism in Interwar Polish Concert Music Miriam Borden, Singing the Unspeakable: Antisemitism in Ukrainian Yiddish Lullabies and Children’s Songs 4:45 AM Montagu James, Krzysztof Penderecki, Representations of Auschwitz, and Antisemitism in Polish Classical Music Production Amanda Ruppenthal Stein, Resilience in Song: Antisemitism and the Rebirth of Jewish Identity through Music among the Abayudaya of Uganda 5:30 AM Closing 4–5 June 2025 (Zoom) 6/4 6/5 Wednesday Thursday 10:15 AM EST Welcome and Introduction Panel 3: Post Holocaust 10:30 AM EST Panel 1: In the Academy, Concert Hall, and Online Assaf Shelleg, Where Philosemitism and Antisemitism Collapse Abby Anderton, Antisemitism and the Voice: Singing as Survival after 1945 11:00 AM EST Patrick Domico, The Jewish Conductor: Serge Koussevitzky in the Anti-Semitic Imaginaries of Emil Medtner and Igor Stravinsky Roxane Lindlacher, Jewish Agency, Antisemitism and Coming to Terms with the Past? Developments of the Schlager in German-language Sheet Music Editions from 1945 to 1950 11:30 AM EST Milijana Pavlović, Passion Plays and Church Walls: The Conspiracy Youtube of Yore Break 11:45 AM EST David J. Buch, Anti-Jewish Bias and Related Distortion in the late 20th- and 21st-century Musicology Panel 4: In Latin America Paula Ansaldo, “A Grotesque Jargon that Provokes Laughter”: The Jewish Voice in Argentinian Popular Theatre (1910-1930) 12:15 PM EST Break Paulo Tiné, Judiação” and “Judiaria’: The Presence of Antisemitic Words in Brazilians Popular Songs 12:45 PM EST Panel 2: During Nazism Nastasia Heckendorff, Annkatrin Babbe, Responding to Antisemitism: Alban Berg and Universal Edition Vienna in the Early Years of National Socialism Closing discussion 1:15 PM EST Julianna Hinton, Antisemitic Ideologies and Film Music: A Comparative Study of Nazi-Era and Contemporary Multimedia Propaganda 1:45 PM EST Henriette Engelke, Silly Geese, Cunning Foxes, and Pre-existing Music