The vast majority of recordings in the Pietro Deiro section of the Deiro Archive are by Pietro Deiro and Guido Deiro (abbreviated PD and GD, respectively). Other artists are duly identified. The following should be noted: (1) All entries provide the information as it appears on the record label, though obvious errors have been corrected silently; a question mark in the composer column indicates that the label was silent on the matter, and it has not been possible to determine the composer’s identity. (2) The letters A and B in the “side” column refer to the A and B sides of the record. (3) Duplicates in different containers/folders are cross-referenced. (4) The collection contains recordings on the following labels (listed here with their sigla): 1. AD = Audiodisc 17. MMV = Maestro Master’s Voice 2. AG = Autograph 18. MR = Manhattan Records 3. AR = Ampco Record 19. MV = His Master’s Voice 4. BN = Bell Novelty 20. NH = National Hollywood 5. COL= Columbia 21. NRS = Nola Recording Studios 6. CRL = Coral 22. PF = Pathé Frères 7. CRV = Caravelle Tonplatte 23. PT = Pliaphon 8. DC = Dick Charles 24. RCA = RCA 9. DEC = Decca 25. RR = Reference Recordings 10. EMP = Empire 26. SC = Soundcraft 11. GNT = Gennett 27. ST = Standard 12. HARM = Harmony 28. TE = Thomas A. Edison 13. JPEZ = John Pezzolo 29. UP = Ultraphon 14. MB = Merel Brothers 30. VIC = Victor 15. MERC = Mercury 31. VOR = Voralion 16. MGM = MGM N.B.: All the music on 78’s has been transferred to CD by The Center for the Study of Free-Reed Instruments for easy accessibility and to prevent further deterioration of the rare originals. Record Catalogue CD Catalogue List of Titles List of Composers List of Performers